Laneige Malaysia 送出全新美白护肤试用品!无需任何消费!

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女性朋友看过来~又有免费试用品领取咯!Laneige 在这个3月份再次免费送出试用品哦!


Laneige 将从即日起免费送出全新【White Dew Tone Up Fluid 】和【White Dew  Original Ampoule Essence】美白护肤品试用品!





1、浏览 Laneige 官网



3、点击Submit Now

4、Laneige Malaysia 将通过邮件发送Voucher Code 给你

5、前往Laneige 分行,出示Voucher Code,领取试用品


促销活动:Laneige Malaysia 送出全新美白护肤试用品

促销日期:15 March – 7 April 2019(存货有限,送完为止)

【Terms & Conditions】

1. Registration date starts on 15th March 2019 and ends on 7th April 2019.

. Redemption date starts on 15th March 2019 and ends on 7th April 2019.

3. Limited to one (1) redemption of one (1) sample per person while stocks last.


4. Each sample set will consist of White Dew Tone Up Fluid (1ml) and White Dew Original Ampoule Essence (1ml).

5. Please present voucher code at any Laneige boutique or counter nationwide to redeem sample.

6. Laneige reserves the right to replace the redemption item without prior notice.

7. Laneige may collect, obtain, store and process your personal data provided in this form for the purpose of receiving updates, news, promotional and marketing mail or materials from Laneige.


注明:以上资讯由LeeSharing 亲自整理,禁止转载至其他网站


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✅Shopee 最新促销优惠!记得领取Voucher再购买!【点击这里
