Domino’s Pizza 即日起举办大促销!所有Pizza 50%折扣,只需要半价!

✅ 我们面子书主页出了一些状况,希望大家Follow 我们的新Page Leesharing 值得买

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Domino’s Pizza 超值优惠又来了!所有Pizza 折扣50%!吃货们约起来!

Domino’s Pizza 将在7月13日至19日期间举办限时优惠!EVERY PIZZA 所有披萨直接折扣50%,只需要半价!

这项优惠只限于Take away,可通过柜台或上网预定。

Come visit us at Domino’s and you can now get EVERY PIZZA for 50% OFF! Available for a limited time only, munch on your favorite pizzas for half the price today! ??


*Valid from 13-19 July
*Ordering can be done via Over The Counter & Online Order
*Offer valid for take-away only
*Prices are inclusive of 6% Service Tax
*This is a limited time offer item
*Standard T&C apply

✅ 我们面子书主页出了一些状况,希望大家Follow 我们的新Page Leesharing 值得买

✅Lazada 最新促销优惠!!【点击这里

✅Shopee 最新促销优惠!记得领取Voucher再购买!【点击这里
